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how to create a apex point from a cone?

jimBO 2 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

filelocation, new program

Image 522


When I create  a new program I want to have the opportunity to chose filelocation for that new program . 


Nickname should carry over to report names (uses PRG name currently) in INSPECT

S_Grumbles 2 years ago in Metrology Software / Inspect 0

INSPECT allows for a NICKNAME for the program (Icon) but then in the REPORT section it reverts to the Program name. The operator won't know the program name they will identify with the nickname so the nickname should be used for the reports as well. 


Settings window, probe tab, display "fastprobemode" status

damonh 2 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0


the tab in the settings window dialog "Probe",  should have a notification area for "FastProbeMode" status at current cursor position in the edit window. Either "on",  or "off".


Select new workplane and adjust graphic display window.

Seth 2 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

Create a new setting that will allow the graphic display window to rotate and center to a new workplane whenever it is selected from the settings workplane dropdown. 


Restore settings .

I would like to have oppotunity to save my settings. Menylayout, shortcuts, file locations and so on stored outside PC demis. So you can restore all settings by using this file to restore all settings after an update.


Extreme Point

Jim W 2 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by dan brokstad 10 months ago 4

When constructing an extreme point on a feature that has been created using a series of points, PC-DMIS creates the point by selecting the point of the series that is in the extreme direction that you have selected.  This however is usually not the extreme point of the feature.  Can PC-DMIS calculate and construct the point at the true extreme of the feature?